
          新聞週報 Weekly Diary, No. 244 (31 March – 5 April 2007) BORDER TENSION CONTINUES! 88 GENERATION STUDENTS, BEWARE! MORE BIRD FLU OUTBREAKS! ILO PLEASED, BUT FOR HOW LONG?Think PieceThailand's coup leader Gen Sondhi Boonyaratglin's family, of Muslim background, has served the royal court since 1600. The first one was Sheik Ahmed who was later appointed as Chao Phraya Bovorn Rajanayok. General Sondhi Boonyaratglin, published by Matichon, 2007The World2 April 2007Tsunami triggered by 8.0 magnitude underwater quake swamp towns, flatten homes and kill at least 15 in the Solomon Islands. (AFP) International Relations30 March 關鍵字行銷2007The number of Asians infected with HIV virus can more than double to 20 million from the current 8.6 million over the next 5 years, warns Commission on AIDS in Asia. In Southeast Asia, Laos and the Philippines are among those with low HIV prevalence rates, while Burma, Cambodia and Thailand are among those with high prevalence rates. (AP) 2 April 2007FM George YeoVisiting Singapore FM George Yeo informed by his Burmese counterpart Nyan Win "efforts are being made to ensure that the National Convention is successfully concluded this year." (Mizzima) 2-4 April 2007Singapore FM 找房子 George Yeo arrives in Burma at the invitation of the military government. (AFP) 3 April 2007Girija Prasad KoiralaNepalese PM Girija Prasad Koirala has sent a message to the Burma convention held in Kathmandu that Nepal will support Burma's quest to establish democracy. (Radio Nepal/ BBC) Thai-Burma Relations4 April 2007Maesod-Myawaddy checkpoint reopened by Burma. Thai traders lost about 200 million baht ($ 5.7 million) during the weeklong closure, says Tak chamber of commerce. (Network Media Group) The Three Pagodas Pass however remains closed. (Irrawaddy) Politics/ Inside Bur 租辦公室ma30 March 2007The US embassy will move to its new premises, a massive building on the edge of Inya Lake that happens to be walking distance from Aung San Suu Kyi's home. The main reason for the move is security. (DPA) 26 March 2007Kyaw Thu Moe Myint, who wrote and distributed a booklet of Valentine Day poems arrested. Two of his 11 poems refer to independence hero Aung San. Kyaw Thu Moe Myint, a teashop owner in Kyaukse, is being detained at Sinkhaing detention center. (DVB) 30 March 2007Maung Maung Aung, brother to Mya Aye, one of 88 Generation Students, told by Botahtaung municipality in Rangoon tha 禮服t his Tamardi Transportation Service has been ordered close. There is no clear reason why it was closed down. Authorities say they are only following orders from the top. The company was founded in 1979. (Irrawaddy) 2 April 2007Rangoon's Thingankyun township court acquits amateur satirist Thein Zan, who was arrested on 7 March for his biting satire against rising commodity prices, acquitted. (Mizzima) 2 April 2007Thwin Lin Aung, who was detained on 5 March as he prepared to leave on an international visitor program sponsored by the US government, released. He was questioned mainly on the activities of the American 酒店經紀 Center, says Mya Aye, one of the 88 Generation Students. (AFP) Shans/ Shan State1 April 2007Joint SSA-KNPP patrol clashes with 7 truck-loads of LID 55 troops on the Pai, opposite Maehongson. One truck destroyed resulting in a number of injuries. (Statement) Economy/ Business31 March 2007New Light of Myanmar says Malaysia's Petronas will launch an oil exploration survey off the southern coast of Burma. According to the 2006 figures, there are 33 foreign companies working on 33 energy projects in Burma. (AFP) 3 April 2007Secretary-1 Thein SeinSingapore FM meets Secretary-1 Thein Sein. Since 1988, the country has injected ove 烤肉r $ 1.5 billion into Burma. Exports to Burma in the fiscal year 2005-06 was valued at $ 558.65 million, while its imports stood at $ 264.25 million. (Xinhua) 4 April 2007A total of 215 state-owned enterprise (SOE) out of 288 proposed have been privatized in Burma as of January, since the country began implementation of the plan in 1995, National Planning and Economic Development ministry sources say. The enterprises include factories, sawmills, oil mills, cinemas, hotels and mines. (Xinhua) Human Rights27 March 2007Two village authorities U Nyo Toke and Mya Hlaing of Sein So village, Aunglan township, sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for forced l 買屋abor. This is the first forced labor case being taken action by the SPDC following 'Supplementary Understanding' with the ILO on 26 February. (New Era Journal/ DPA) The event took place on 28 February (New Light of Myanmar) It also reported on 31 March that forestry personnel who forced villagers from Singalay town to build a road dismissed from their jobs – DPA. 2 April 2007 UN human rights experts call on Burma to address discrimination against the Muslim minority, generally known as the Rohingyas. They have been denied citizenship which has led to various discriminatory practices, they say. (Press Release) 4 April 2007Inmates in Thayet prison are working 關鍵字廣告 in a local soya bean juice factory for meager wages. They earn 20% of the wages. The rest goes to the prison officials. Woodcutting inmates meanwhile get 1,000 kyat per day but half of it goes to the prison officials. As for those who don't want to work in labor camps, they need to bribe 15,000 kyat each. (DVB) 4 April 2007Tin Ko, 33, an HIV patient, who is seeking anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment, stages solo protest in Rangoon's Sanchaung township calling for better health care. He is taken into custody. ARV treatment is offered in Rangoon by the AZG clinic and Rangoon Infectious Disease Hospital in North Okkalapa township. Tin Ko is from Magwe. (Irrawaddy) 4 April 2007Sinc 辦公室出租e 16 March, Rohingyas in Buthidaung and Maungdaw are being issued ID cards with cooperation from UNHCR and UNOPS. These are white cards (temporary). Permanent cards are red. (Kaladan) Environment1 April 2007The arrival of the dry-season and the emergence of two new mega-dam projects in China have contributed to severe drying of the Mekong, with water level dropping to less than one meter in many sections. Hardest hit are cargo boats, which are taking a month to complete a journey that normally takes three days between Chiangsaen and Xixuangbanna. (Bangkok Post) 2 April 2007The New Light of Myanmar says 929 chickens on a farm in Mingaladon township died between 28-30 March. (Irrawaddy) Drugs 烤肉  .

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